Deconstruction of Wai's Work cont...

These are simple deconstruction pages that I have done from Wai's illustrations to learn how she draws and her technique so I can develop my own style combing my two illustrators.

 These are all pictures that I have sketched with layout paper on top of the original illustration. This was so I could get the proportions correct and to fully understand how Wai draws her illustrations. Then I scanned my sketches into the pc. I wanted to look at the body because this is an important part of a fashion illustration. The bodies on Wai's drawings are very unrealistic and thin. However I think once they are coloured they manage to look very chic regardless.

I drew guide lines in red so it was easy to see and I drew the shape of the body around this.
 Then I added in the rest of the detail.

This is my version of Wai's illustration, I used my sketched outline in photoshop to colour over the white space. I used the colour picker to get the correct colours so my illustration would look as close as possible to Wai's illustration. Again I built up various layers and then added shading and used the gaussian blur tool so that the shading would blend in. For the writing I used the text tool but I could not get it to sit at the same angle as Wai's. I think overall my version looks really good and it is a close replication of Wai's original illustration.

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